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Friday, November 30, 2007

AU Overview 2007

AU in one word, OVERWHELMING!! The training was excellent, networking great, walking tiring. I was able to attend most of the classes I wanted to go to. I registered late & many of the classes were full by the first week. I sat through many CAD Manager classes. The classes were taught by Robert Green. If you get a chance to attend one of his classes, thru AU or AUGI CAD Camp, I suggest you get down there. I'll post more when I get home.



Wednesday, November 28, 2007

AU Day 3

Well, I have survived another day at AU!! I have learned much on this trip so far. Things like when you are up $20.00 at the craps table it's time to call it a day. This knowledge came to me after I lost it plus the original $20.00 I bet. Seriously, The training here is really good. Yesterday I attended 3 classes, Today I have 5. I learned a little more about the CUI & I'll share those things when I get a little more time. I'm off to my next class. Talk with you later.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Feed the hungry

I ran across this this morning on, it's a word game that has real life consequences. For every word you get right they donate 10 grains of rice. It's gets a little challenging as the levels progress but I think you all can handle it.



Thursday, November 1, 2007

Going to AU??

It's a little close to go time for AU this year. I just found out that I will be there. I'm looking forward to meeting fellow bloggers there & other CAD monkeys like myself. If you're going to be there drop me a line & I'll try to see you there.

